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Every summer, it seems that I gravitate towards a specific fruit. Two years ago, it was Watermelon. Last year, it was pineapple. This year, it’s grapefuit. Randy happened to pick some up at the store and one night, this recipe was born. He decided to mix a bit of freshly squeezed grapefuit juice in instead of our normal lime juice that we put in our Irish Mules. And thus, our new summer cocktail arrived. I knew I had to share it with all of you and why not make this the kick off to new recipes coming back to the blog. I had been wanting to come back for quite some time now but the timing was never right. But now… here we are. And here you go! Cheers to an awesome summer of 2024!

Grapefruit & Mint Irish Mule

Makes two cocktails

  • Ingredients
  • 6oz freshly squeezed grapefuit juice (store bought works fine too!)
  • 4-6 fresh mint leaves
  • 8oz Irish Whiskey (I used Jameson)
  • 12oz Ginger Beer
  • For Garnish:
  • Fresh Mint Sprigs
  • Dehydrated Grapefruit Halves (optional)


In a cocktail shaker, add grapefruit juice, mint leaves and irish whiskey. Shake vigorously.

Fill 2 mule mugs 2/3rds of the way with ice. Pour half of the ginger beer between the two cups. Split your whiskey mixture between the two cups and top off with the remaining ginger beer. Garnish with mint sprigs and dehydrated grapefruit halves. Cheers!