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One of the biggest losses that I had with having to go gluten free is not being able to drink beer. I was a big fan of it for a long time and was really starting to get into the craft beer scene when the dreaded gluten monster arrived and stole all my wheat based products from me. Truth be told, I am a terrible gluten free person. I cheat with food regularly, because as long as I’m careful with it and not go overboard, I can get away with it. I’ve learned that alcohol based items that have gluten or wheat, I’m not so lucky. It does not go well at all. Back in my beer days, I became a big fan of Southern Tier’s Pumking Pumpkin Beer. It had such a great flavor without being sweet at all. It was one I truly missed when Beer had to disappear from my diet.

I was thrilled when my coworker, who is also gluten free, informed me that Southern Tier had come out with a Pumking whiskey that was not only gluten free, but delicious! I literally went and bought it that very week. As soon as I tasted it, I knew I had to create a fun fall cocktail that would be perfect for Thanksgiving!

Being a Chef and someone who worked in Hospitality, I’m always looking for something to make occasions a little extra special. Whether you are hosting or you are a guest, it’s nice to go a few extra steps and make something really unique. Sure wine is great, easy to grab and anyone can bring it. But why not be the one that gains those brownie points for future engagements?

If you aren’t a huge whiskey drinker because it’s too strong, this might be the perfect gateway drug for you. This Pumking whiskey is actually more on the sweet side, which can be dangerous. So if you like sweeter wines or sweeter cocktails, this is a great pick for you! I’m actually more of a dry, not sweet drinker so I prefer my normal whiskeys and bourbons. Upon tasting this whiskey, I knew it needed something to balance out that sweetness so it wasn’t an after dinner drink or dessert cocktail (unless you want it to be).

Thinking of the flavors of the season, cranberry juice naturally popped into my head. If you want to throw even more of a superfood in there, add pomegranate juice instead! Ginger beer was my next addition as it has more of a punch then normal ginger ale with less sugar. If you’d like this as a dessert drink, use that ginger ale instead.

So this is pretty straight forward and super easy. Assemble your ingredients and get that ice ready. Place your ice in your glasses and then some in a cocktail shaker. Pour in your pumpkin whiskey and your cranberry juice into your shaker. Close it up tightly and shake a lot! Shake for about 20 seconds.

Take your top cap off and pour the pumpkin cranberry mixture over your rocks in your glasses, leaving about half an inch off the top of the glass. Top it off with some ginger beer and fresh cranberries as garnish and you are good to go!

Simple as that! If you are really feeling fancy, you can rim these glasses with a pumpkin spice/brown sugar/sea salt mixture to take it up a notch even more. This will impress your guests and really make you either the best party host or the best party guest this Thanksgiving or Holiday Season!

Smashing “Pumking” Holiday Cocktail

Serves 2

  • 3oz Southern Tier Pumking Whiskey
  • 2oz Cranberry or Pomegranate Juice
  • Splash of Ginger Beer
  • Fresh Cranberries for Garnish
  • Ice

Place ice in rocks glasses.

Fill cocktail shaker with ice, Pumking Whiskey and Cranberry Juice

Shake vigorously for 30 seconds.

Remove cap and pour over ice in glasses.

Pour splash of ginger beer on top of each drink and garnish with fresh cranberries.

Serve chilled and enjoy!