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To say this has been a long time coming is an understatement. Writing was something I started doing as a child. Mostly historical fiction and fun short stories. Wanting to write a book came a few years later. Wanting to write about food came after I read my first copy of “Kitchen Confidential” by one of my idols, Anthony Bourdain. Wanting to teach people about food came the second I stepped out of culinary school a number of years ago that I’m not completely comfortable sharing. And wanting to explore everything this world had to offer began the second I started walking. A blog was a stepping stone that had been on my radar for years but just never got around to doing. Knowing that all of those “wants” could be combined into one thing kept knocking on my door but I never answered.

One of my goals at the beginning of 2020 was to get my blog launched. I had, just like the rest of the world, no idea what was awaiting us but I knew I wanted to start putting my thoughts and knowledge out there in the world to hopefully entertain and benefit someone. When Covid-19 started to hit my area in the Northeast, I, like many others, started cooking at home way more then I normally did. My love for cooking at home was reignited. Leading up to it, I had been cooking for my career for years and left my real creativity “in the office”. I started playing with different flavors, techniques and cuisines like I did when I was first learning years ago. With all the ups, downs, curve balls and just straight crap that was sent our way this year, I kept cooking for myself, my better half and my family.

Last month, a door closed and I realized it was finally time for window to open. Years of cooking, training employees and showing folks how to make dishes has finally led to this. Additionally, the last few years I have been fortunate enough to travel to several countries and my love of cuisines and cultures grew further. So why not combine all of these things finally into one place to put out into the world?

We are all affected in some way by Covid-19. Many of us can’t travel and are limited to our homes and/or near by areas. A lot of us are cooking at home more and trying to figure out what to do and make each night. It can get redundant! So let’s travel right in our own kitchens. Week by week, we’ll have a new country to explore. I’ll keep some recipes traditional, make some beverages to try and turn some things on their heads. Along with that, we’ll focus on some options of places to stay or sights to see. Either way, let me be your passport to somewhere new. Your ticket to try something you haven’t tried before. Let’s go place by place, dish by dish. And I really hope you join me.